Sunday 24 October 2010

Hungry at Half Past One In The Morning Did This

When I was growing up in primary and secondary school, I didn't have that much of a chance to stay out of the house and explore the local geography. This would be in direct contrast to a boy of similar age living somewhere in say, Kampung Orang Asli Donglai Baru, Semenyih. However, it is understandable for my parents to be naturally worried that their firstborn son might be led astray by the bad influences of video game parlours or shopping malls should they let him go out too often. At least in the rural village, the biggest threat would only probably be the rabid, flea-infested neighbour's dog.

So when I reached the legal age to go outside and stay outside after 7 p.m. - if there's ever such a thing - you can imagine what it was like for me. Details are a bit hazy, but I think it did involve a lot a walking, perpetual sweating and a pair of dead tired legs by the end of the day. I really enjoyed not being at home at night partly because of the stuffy atmosphere in the house (still is) and partly because I was fascinated at how colourful the nightlife was. Simply put, I was like a moth hypnotized by the soft blue glow of a pendaflour light and I loved every moment of it.

But I'm older now and that excitement has worn off. A bit. Still, these days I do enjoy the occasional nocturnal escapade, especially if I have the spare dough for it since driving around the relatively quiet streets at night still uses fuel and fuel costs money; not to mention the late night supper of nasi lemak and iced milk tea. And it is usually during these late night suppers that I bump into young parents with their even younger children also enjoying the food on their plates.

Now, it strikes me as odd that such young children (I'm talking about as small as 3 months old) should be wide awake at such an ungodly hour, and eating while they're at it. Once, I came across such a family at 2 plus in the morning. Eyh, what's that about? Don't these kids need their sleep? I thought babies were supposed to be asleep more than half of the time and what's this I see?

I may not be in the best position to talk about the disciplining of bedtime habits of children since (a) I don't even have some of my own and (b) my own sleeping habits aren't exemplary - as you may be able to judge for yourself by now. But to me, it's still a bit weird and downright wrong that these parents should be bringing their children out at such an hour, especially if it's only to socialize with like-minded friends with children of their own. Even worse than that would be the parents that bring their children to the extra-late night markets that go on until the wee hours of the morning. Surely that can't be healthy, right?

Has the influence of nocturnal vampires (and to probably a lesser extent, the Twilight series) finally gotten to us? I don't know. I'm going out for a late night supper to clear my head now


aw3rz said...

Di California, antara sebab ganja mahu dihalalkan kerana ibu bapa tak rasakan anak-anak mereka patut jauhi dadah tersebut kerana mereka adalah generasi yang majoritinya hisap ganja ketika remaja.

Perkara yang sama tentang anak-anak kecil yang keluar malam. Ibu bapa mereka adalah generasi yang majoritinya suka lepak-lepak di mamak di waktu malam. Jadi, mereka tak rasakan anak-anak tidur lewat adalah salah.

Untuk tahu kesannya, kena tunggu anak-anak mereka untuk jadi besar. Kalau mereka tak menjadi, ibu bapa mereka tak akan boleh dipersalahkan kerana mereka sudah lama mampus.

rather.simple.philosophy said...


i guess these days it is healthier to bring them kids along rather than leave them at home unsupervised, pecah-rumah and what nots and are probably scarier to imagine!

or probably the parents are afraid the maid is gonna poison them..

figuratively of course.

Jamil said...

awe - Mungkin generasi kita sedang dipersiapkan untuk ramai2 menjadi vigilante dan mengurangkan jenayah yang kerap berlaku pada waktu malam.

Itupun sekiranya bukan kita sendiri yang melakukan jenayah.

tuan falsafah - at the risk of sounding preachy, I believe that parenting should involve some degree of sacrifice - in this case, sacrificing one's nightlife for the upbringing of the child. If one is not ready to saddle such a responsibility on one's shoulder, then why bother to have a child in the first place?

Orang tua2 kata "jangan pandai buat anak tapi tak pandai jaga"