Friday 24 November 2006

An Uncommon Dialogue

Sometimes I feel so shallow in the company of female colleagues. Really, I do. I acknowledge that women - God bless their fickle charm - are one step ahead of men. But the experience I had a few nights' back left me feeling stumped, confounded and shallow, of course.

"Every woman is a goddess", an acquaintance typed out to me in Yahoo! Messenger the other day. I imagine had it been that we were facing each other in a real life conversation, she'd have given me the haughty look that goddesses have. At the back of my mind, however, I think it might have resembled more of the haughty look that llamas have, but I let it pass.

"But if every woman is a goddess," I typed out slowly so that I could understand, "then what exactly does it mean to be a goddess? Doesn't it just mean being like every other woman? Surely the word 'goddess' then has no special meaning? If every woman is a goddess, why not just go on calling yourselves women?"

"You are applying masculine thought proccesses to a phenomenal experience" said the goddess. I didn't know how phenomenal I was finding the experience, but I plugged on ahead nevertheless.

"So surely, there must be room for improvement in this world of goddessness?" I persisted, feeling a headache coming on. "Are there different levels of goddess? Like, are there normal goddesses, and then someone like you, who is an advanced goddess?"

I imagine she would have given a little toss of her head whilst typing out "Clearly, you do not understand non-rational wisdom".

Now that is the type of person with whom you do not want to have a conversation.
If Neale Donald Walsch had written Conversations with A Goddess, he would have probably sold about four copies (and the movie copyrights would have probably ended up with Prof A. Razak Mohaideen).

Now do you understand why I feel so shallow when I'm around girls?


Mama Pongkey said...

I'm a girl and my only response to that sort of talk has to be 'huh'???

*big grin*

Anonymous said...

Non rational wisdom is the step sister to non logical logic.

Soon there would be untruths told instead of plain lies.

There would also be known known, and known unknowns, as well as unknown knowns and unknown unknowns.

So in this purely hypothetical scenario in cyberspace, those who have converse with said creature is lucky to even be alive and capable of scribbling irrational coherent thoughts... Nuff Said

Anonymous said...


if i was blonde, id definitely fit into blonde-dazed moment just about there.

an evil thought just came into my head. but id not risk putting it here. may just blog about it though.

have a nice day hiyoshi (im facing winds and rains today...not to mention below 10 degrees celcius sorta temperature)

Jamil said...


I read your comment with raised eyebrows and a big question mark hanging over my head.

What's up with the big grin?


Yes, I am thankful that I managed to scurry back alive from that conversation with some sanity intact.


An evil thought? I do notice that all the ladies (ok, just two at the moment) have funny thoughts and won't elaborate further. Would this be normal goddess behaviour then?

Mama Sarah said...

i've typed a comment, and deleted. and commented again. then delete them again.

i just couldn't find the right thing to say and especially hating to leave an unnecessary and unrelated comment too.

pycnogenol said...

I dont know what comments to leave too, for I'm not sure what Yoshi is trying to say. It would be easier for old folks like me if young bloggers can just write clearly, go straight to the point and not leave us all wondering, apa ke hal pula ni???

Mama Pongkey said...

For an explanation of my comment, read OK's comment after mine. OK understood me right away. :)
If I were you that sort of talk will get a 'kena ke layan nonsense macam ni' sort of response from me. But heh, some people enjoy egging others on. Or you were trying to be extra nice to her.
In this case it isn't 'shallow waters run deep', it is a puddle trying hard to pretend to be a lake.

pycnogenol said...

I LOVE that KKL!! A puddle trying hard to pretend to be a lake,eh?

Oh boy I just cant stand pretentious puddles!!!

pycnogenol said...

And OK, that sure was a KO comment from you!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

HUH? (read: what are you guys sniffing??!)

i laughed out loud reading the, "non-rational wisdom" part, excuse me...


i think hiysh (your new nick name) the message that girl wants you to get is simple:

"Worship me your clueless boy! i've been in love with you for years, when will you get the effing message?"

Jamil said...

mama sarah

Don't worry about it. Sometimes, you can say so much more by not saying anything :)


Again, don't worry about it *smile*


Man is but a curious creature. Which is why I pursued the matter - just to see what the goddess would say next.

A puddle trying hard to be a lake - I'll remember that the next time somebody comes up to me with puddle-y aspirations.

Anonymous (do I know you?)

Well, she could have just said it out loud in plain black and white, couldn't she?

dith said...

Life is all a matter of subjectivity. What may seem a puddle to one may appear a lake to another. But being a muslim there are many clear cut lines being drawn across. And labelling every woman as being a goddess is definitely not one of them. Stay away from such futile conversation, :p

Anonymous said...

Non-rational wisdom?? Cogito ergo doleo! I'd be definitely be depressed thinking whatever that's supposed to mean.

Anonymous said...

"Men are ruled, oftentimes by logic while women are overruled by emotions." -Somebody, not me ;)-

Jamil said...


The thing is, I seem to be a magnet towards those types of conversation. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut next time.


I find myself shuddering at the mere thought of it.


At the time being, I'm overruled by diziness.

Jalilah said...

Oh, hiyoshi, you shouldn't leave your mouth shut! It would only add to your quietness. Hihi...
Well, I have 2 theories. One is the same with 'anonymous' which is she wants you to worship her and the 2nd theory is that maybe she feels that being a woman is special so she trying to tell you that every woman is a goddess but she just seemed to fail to get the message across. Haha, my opinion is strong on the latter.

ifos said...

Sorry for being outspoken, but I find these types of pretentious girls A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G. Goddess?? honestly!

pycnogenol said...

Lama dah dok jengok-jengok kat sini, tapi masih tak ada berita.

Apa kabar Yoshi? Sihat ke? Atau sakit macam Mama Sarah dan anak-anak nya.

Christmas weekend tak balik rumah?

ayumi said...

"Annoying"! Right on, Ifos!