Friday 6 July 2007

Filling In The Blanks

You know things are at a standstill when you need someone to come along and slap a meme on your forehead before you can actually come up with a sorry excuse of an entry. Thanks dyanna!

Anyway, I'm supposed to fill in the blanks for a number of phrases. This exercise really brings back some (un)happy memories of my schoolboy days when we still had exam questions set in a similar manner.

Well, let's go shall we?

1. A person is only as good as the person next to him.

2. Friendship is always about having someone to lean on - especially during those sessions of afternoon lectures.

3. To love is to open yourself to cruel rejections from the object of desire.

4. Money makes me start to tremble with the thoughts of all the possible things I can buy.

5. I miss good conversations.

6. My way of saying I care is by putting my hand on the person's shoulder and quickly retracting it before both of us become uncomfortable.

7. I try to spread love and happiness by not saying anything more than needed.

8. Pick the flowers when you're sure nobody is in sight.

9. To love someone is to be prepared for a world of annoyance at that person's bad habits. And withstand it nevertheless.

10. Beauty is that one creation of God: women.

11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was that I didn't wear the usual green school pants - I wore muddy green khakis.

12. When I was twenty one, I remember still being 21 *sob*

13. I am most happy when I know I am in the company of wonderful people.

14. Nothing makes me happier than making a person smile or laugh.

15. If I can change one thing, I will change my bank account with Bill Gate's.

16. If smiles were currency then I'd smile my way to an iPhone.

17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could forgive and forget? Especially the forget bit.

18. If you want to look intelligent then you have to nod and smile solemnly at the correct moments.

19. Money is not everything but it sure as anything can buy you that iPhone.

20. The most touching moments I have experienced is during clinical skill lab sessions. Don't have much of a choice do I?

21. I smile when toddlers look at me. It's a natural reaction.

22. When I am happy, I do not irritate other people.

23. If only I don't have to study medicine, then I might have worked as a video game reviewer.

24. The best thing I did yesterday was finish my video presentation for the new First Years.

25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"Cogito, Ergo Doleo"

26. One thing I must do before I die is live.

27. Doing this meme, I feel relieved as I have bid my time until the next entry.

Hopefully, the next entry will be a bit more serious. Sure *rolls eyes*


Anonymous said...

Hmm I'm sure when I first read this entry you were hinting about a Macbook Pro or something, instead of an iPhone? :D

Jamil said...


So you've been reading! I've been wondering whether you were still on this planet or not. Turns out you are :)

Ah yes, the MacBook. Taking into consideration how I'm working on a constrained annual budget, I thought it would be in my best interest to put aside the MacBook first, giving priority to things that matter more (read: the iPhone)

Of course, if you ask my mum, she'll say that what matters the most is that I save my money for future undertakings. Doesn't an iPhone count, mum?

Anonymous said...

Mum says, "No, an iPhone does not count as future undertakings!"

dyanna said...


iPhones are just a 'hype'. They're nothing more than just a shiny piece of metal bar.

As far as I am concerned, iPods are better .. hehe..

Jamil said...


Mum, is that you?


To be honest, I am quite surprised to see your reaction towards the iPhone. I would've thought that to most self professed tech geeks, the multi-point touchscreen was a good enough reason to get it. No?

sarahss said...

i give it a yes (referring to your previous reply to dyanna).

dith said...

If this questionnaire is to describe your personality, my conclusion of you would be :

A pessimistic gay phobic with a past history of being jilted whose main ambition is to be filthy rich in order to own every digital gadgets available!

Mama Sarah said...

no.23 - sabar ajelah!

pycnogenol said...

And if DITH's conclusion of your personality is correct Hiyoshi, that's pretty SCARY!!!

BTW, you can put your hand on my shoulder a little while longer the next time we meet. I promise not to push it away, now that I know what it means. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm a self professed tech geek who's on another level from all other 'average' tech geeks.. muahaha (wicked laugh)

I don't go googoogaga over iphone because:
1. You can't send a text msg without not looking at the screen to find the 'keypad' button. Therefore, you can't secretly/stealthily reply to a text under a table using an iPhone.

2. a phone, an ipod, a video player all in one is surely gonna be a power gobbler.. battery life issues.

3. I don't think I am safe to handle an iPhone, becoz, it'll at least drop down a flight of stairs or at least experience a 4 feet fall on hard ground once a week like what has happened to my phones. Nasty.. hhuuhu rugi je beli mahal2 kalau screen pecah sbb jatuh cam tu je.

that's just a few reasons.. hehe.. in my opinion, of course..

you can still continue to save some money to be one of the first few to own an iphone, i hear it's coming to asia next year... 5 months to go.

Jamil said...


Looking forward to the iPhone too, Sarah?


Wow, you got 90% of that almost correct. You are beginning to scare me, Madam Doctor.

Puan Mama Sarah

Boys :)


Are you sure you won't push them away? My friends say I have hairy hands.


You've got some good points there. It's true that you can't type messages in secret (darn, there goes the fun moments in meetings) and that with a glass surface, you'll need a Styrofoam container to prevent it from scratching, but it still is a damn beautiful piece of vanity technology.

Still, mum says "Simpan duit tu Aiman".