Saturday 8 September 2007

A Premature Ending

I think I might've broken the tension from the previous entry a bit too much - so much so that I can't find the words to continue the story! But here are some pictures of my brother playing the role of an juvenile charged with murder, and I must say he does look the part. Perhaps he even practised killing cockroaches just to really get into that murderous psyche. No, I'm just kidding. He's as sweet as a freshly baked apple pie, my brother he is.

Note: The quality of these photos would most probably make mynn scream out "Digital blasphemy!", hunt me down and hang me from a cherry tree. But hey, that's the kind of photo quality you get when your digital camera doesn't have the acronym EOS in its name. Or is it just my sad state of photographic flair? No, wait. I'm pretty sure it's because of how useless the camera is when the ISO goes above 200 and the digital zoom is maxed. Oh well!

I think this is the 'emo look' that's all the rage amongst youngsters nowadays.

Why's his face like that? Is it the spotlight? Or is it perhaps the limelight? *ehem*

My brother swearing (or pretending to) tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I'm sure most parents would like that to be implemented in the household.

This was the policeman who arrested my brother. Doesn't he look like a Tamil hero?

Remember me telling you about the pretty counsel?

Let me tell you; this lady is TALL.

The gentleman with the wispy moustache is of Javanese origin while the lady is French. My dad loved both of them. He must have a liking for foreigners.

This is not the kind of look you would want to see on the face of a family member

The above pictures were taken during the final scene of the mock trial. In this scene, the accused pleas for his release, cries out at the injustice he's been done, and finally - before hanging himself in his cell - laughs hysterically while sobbing "Emran...where are you...I'm coming to get you..."

No wonder a friend of my brother told him the next day that he (the friend) had 'disturbing dreams' that night.

p.s. What a letdown! The camera's battery went dead! *sigh* Guess I'll upload more pictures at the faculty on Monday then (I'm at a cybercafe, by the way)

Update: I've posted more pictures with captions to boot. I hope that'll suffice for those who had hoped for more elaboration on my brother's performance. Talk about taking the easy way out.


dith said...

From his side, Arif looks like ARB, a popular figure on trial right now. ARB is not angiotensin renin blocker by the way! :))

dyanna said...

Wait.. mcm pernah tgk scene ni... tapi di mana ya?

Oh, Cerekarama.

pycnogenol said...

If your brother is as sweet as a freshly baked apple pie, I hope you are not the apple crumble of the family...he..he... ;)

Sorry Hiyoshi, just couldnt let that one go. Esok dah mula Ramadhan. Pycno janji zip mulut.

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan!!

Jamil said...

DITH - What a coincidence. I was just reading about ARB a moment ago (the blocker, by the way)

dyanna - This was even better I tell you. Live performance! It was the closest I could get to a concert.

Pycnogenol - No, I'm not. But I like apple crumble. And I like to grumble too, if that has anything to do with what we're discussing at the moment :(

Arifah said...

Wow. Your brother can act! =D

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan. =)

Anonymous said...

Well said.