Monday 21 January 2008

Sisterhood As I See It

If you were to ever listen to what my friends have to say about me, then they would get you to believe at the drop of a hat that I am a person with many needs and wants. Quite on the contrary, I am actually a boy with simple needs. Of course I have been ranting continuously about how it would be nice to be the owner of an iPhone and perhaps also the brand spanking new Macbook Air, but for the most of it, it's just hot air blowing. Perhaps when I get my first pay, then it'll be a different story.

No, I'm just kidding. The truth is, all I've ever really wanted is an elder sister. Yes, that's right. A sister who is older than me.

Sometimes it gets kind of boring being the eldest, and I'm not just talking about how you're expected to be a good role model, how you're always held accountable for your actions (and those of your siblings too) and how your parents so depend on you to advise your brothers and sisters when it comes to boy-girl relationships. Bossing around your siblings just because you can as the eldest also loses its fun once in a while - but only just.

So during these periods of self-loathing, I always imagine what it would be like if I had an elder sister. Would I still be this responsible? Would I still maintain my integrity because I am looked up to by the younger ones? Would I still be this poor? (stupid scholarship).

The honest answer is: I don't know. Though I do suspect that most probably I'll be a tad bit naughtier and perhaps have some of my work cut out for me when it comes to buying the latest toys. In fact, that is one of the reasons why I want an elder sister - so that she can buy me stuff.

I may be wrong in saying that God gave us elder sisters so that we need not wait that long in saving up our money (if we ever get it!) just to buy a Playstation 3, but from what I have personally witnessed and know, most elder sisters do just that i.e. offer to buy the poor brother what he wants. Just about a month ago, a really close friend who always spreads false lies about me in my comment box was treated to a Nikon D40 by his eldest sister. Imagine that! I'd be lucky enough to have someone treat me to the empty box or even the manual.

But elder sisters are good not only just for shifting responsibilities and buying stuff; I romantically imagine they would also be THE person to refer to when it comes to questions about girls. You can't go wrong when asking your own sister how come girls are so complicated and difficult to understand...or can you? Well, if I ever get an elder sister, I'm going to grill out of her the answer to that question and many more.

But like so many of my other dreams - to be smart without studying, be the first Malaysian to get shot into outer space or even just be seated next to an attractive stranger on public transport - the fantasy of having an elder sister will just remain at that. I suppose it's a bit too late to ask my mum for one and I certainly don't believe in all that kakak angkat nonsense. The only acceptable situation to tell other people that you have a kakak angkat is when you can specifically mention what it is that your sister is lifting in the first place.

"Eh, saya ada kakak angkat karung simen".


Anonymous said...

i pity u my friend.i'd fancy of being ur elder sister if that take you out from your gloomy moods.but the problems are 1)i have the dangling brother with his two friends and 2)i was born on december which make me younger than sorry,i can't help you.but i cud give you my d40 box or the manual if you want.hehe

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, why does it has to be an elder sister and not an elder brother? Is this some sort of gender discrimination? Okay2, just kidding mamma jamil. dont flame me hehe.

Well, judging from the fact that i DO have TWO older sisters while still remaining poor, the dream of having an older sister as your financial back-up is not that promising. I would say that having an older sister alone is not enough. You better dream of having a RICH sister. That's better ;)

p/s: Experience is the best

pycnogenol said...

ROTFLOL to both aw3rz and pecok's comments....hahahahaha!!!!!

dith said...

Believe me, you wouldnt want me as your eldest sister! :p

Jamil said...

aw3rz - Hoh. So the good friend has spoken and continues his tradition of making fun of me.

pecok - I thought you had two rich sisters already? Well, two rich and stingy sisters (Pecok made me say that, kak hanan and kak diyana!). What we both really need are rich and generous sisters. Any takers?

pycno - Now you know the kind of friends I have.

DITH - I think I'll just take your word for that :P

dyanna said...

LOL! Reading your post. Kesian...

I'd pull out a long rotan and start screaming "Baca buku!!!" from the top of my lungs if one of my brothers start to ask questions about how to tackle girls.

Anonymous said...

so,when r u going to have an elder sister?

Nusayba said...

Honestly, an elder sister?

I think I nag at my brothers more than I'd shower the them with gifts! :P

A few wang ihsan at times, but other times, they'd probably tell you that I am really a pesky sister who'd ask them to lap tangga, buang sampah, kemas bilik and so on and so forth.

I've wanted an elder brother (why not an elder sister?? I don't know), but that's just because so that I can show off an elder brothers to my friends when I was in sekolah menengah. Sadly (or maybe not), I remain the eldest. :P

As for the angkat2 stuff....can't agree with you more. Although, my mother has one anak angkat, and automatically, he becomes my adik angkat. Which is fine, since he's a good kid and all, plus he's old enough to know how to service my pc (unlike my ickle brothers, without a smidgen of 'manly' skills -eg fix pcs, paint my room, and so on and so forth-. Haha.

Jamil said...

dyanna - Oh, don't get me wrong. I'd only ask my elder sister how come girls are about as easy to understand as a Boeing 747 manual book written in Latin.

aw3rz - Hopefully by the end of the year. If I'm lucky.

nusayba - I'm used to the nagging (get it from my parents all the time!) but it would most certainly be nice to have someone buy me things from time to time :)

By the way, do I now need an account to comment at your blog?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately yes. It's my most effective way of avoiding being spammed.

Anonymous said...

hi jamil, haven't heard from you for a long long time kan?? how r u going? =)

I dont have an elder sis, and i craved for one too. but the fact is, I have lotsa kakak angkat.. yang caring2.. tapi xdela dapat camera mcm aw3rz... haha..