Monday 19 October 2020

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Re-visiting the blog - and by extension, posting this entry - makes me feel exactly like an alcoholic father. One, who in a whiskey-induced haze of clouded judgement - decides to up and leave his family one day, only to return years later after having being at his lowest ebb, is then bestowed divine clarity on how important family is.

Not that I've had any experience being an alcoholic, mind you. Never even tasted the stuff. Promise.

So what is it really that brings me back here? Did I have a revelation? Is this, in fact, a stranger typing, having successfully hacked and gained access to an ancient archive of non-specific ramblings? Or have I just plainly lost my mind? Well, between me and you, dear reader - it has always been a private ritual of mine to go through my past writings once or twice a year. Keeps me in touch with my former, younger, more idealistic clueless self, you see. It is a way of reminding myself who I was before I grew up. 

(On a side note: not only have I grown up, but I've also grown sideways, front and back. Go figure)

Reading back my past entries never fails to make me go through a roller coaster of emotions and memories. To be fair, most of them are embarrassing and downright cringey, which would correspond to the vertical drop section of the aforementioned roller coaster analogy. Other times, they induce moments of introspection, and maybe even bring out a chuckle or two. Sometimes, the entries make me go "wait, what?". Like I said, roller coaster.

But this time around, the reason I came back was just to get my muddled thoughts out. I had an itch to write, and neither Facebook nor Twitter was going to cut it. So here I am at my dusty and cobwebbed virtual writing desk, my keyboard clacking away, sentence after sentence rolling out yet I see no clear direction as to where they are headed to. And that's perfectly fine by me.

After all, these are the Scribblings Of An Empty Mind, are they not?

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