Sunday 29 November 2020

I Would Like To Complete My Examination By....

So, earlier this week saw me sitting for my clinical exams - again, ugh - because what is life if not a continuous barrage of trials and tribulations? No, don't answer that. It was a completely rhetorical question, and I have no need for a lecture this late at night on why life is a struggle and some people have it worse than others and that I should be thankful for the life I have. That's an entry for another day.


Having not passed my previous attempt, I came into the exam better prepared this time around. This is of course a lie, as the only time I have ever felt prepared for an exam was some time around the beginning of the new millennia, which given how 2020 has played out so far, might as well be a bajillion years ago. But back to the exam - I had stayed back after work to catch up on reading. I had practised my bedside skills over and over again with my friends till we all felt like throwing up. I even dropped a hefty amount of money just to buy a decked out digital tablet to reassure myself that I was putting actual effort to pass the exams this time around. 

(On hindsight, I might have just been using the exam as an excuse to buy that sweet iPad Pro, but it's already too late to take it back to the shops. Oh well)

It's one thing to sit for exams as a student. It is an entirely different ball game taking exams as an adult, stiff lower back and all. For starters, there's the added responsibilities of work, family and 1001 other things which I can't bear to list down here. Secondly, these days my body automatically shuts itself down at 10 p.m. whereas as recently as a couple of years ago, I could harness the power of caffeine/artificial lighting/black magic to stay up through the night. Thirdly, it just sucks to take exams at any age.

Anyhoo, the exams came and went, and now we wait for the results. God wiling, I hope I'll make it through as it's more than just a "see you in another 6 months' time!" at stake this time around. I have burdened my support group more than I would like to, and they could do without having to repeat the stint again. More importantly, I need to pass to feel better about myself. Here's hoping for good news.

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