Wednesday 8 April 2009

Birthday Boy


I do not know about you, but for as long as I can remember, birthdays among the male species tend to be a rather drab affair. Unlike their counterparts, males will not go out of their way to find a suitable birthday present for his mate, nor will they lose a night's worth of sleep thinking about 'What if I forget to wish him?'. This is of course, an absurdly gross exaggeration which is founded upon some slivers of truth.

Having said that, why on earth am I writing a birthday dedication to a friend who obviously needs to lose his love handles since this is only his 23rd birthday and wedding plans are still far off. There's a reason they're called love handles, dammit.

Anyway. Birthday wishes to the above fellow. Grow up and get a life already.

Update: I was just informed that I happened to be the first guy to wish him by mouth earlier today. Goodness, that sounds so dodgy.


apos said...

do I??hahahha..dont think so..wuteva it is..thanx la ye..

p/s..kumpul entry pasal beday aku...yeah..

aw3rz said...

pathetic ko apos

Jamil said...

apos - lepas ni, semua birthday dedication akan dikenakan caj RM5

awerz - kesian la birthday boy tu. hahaha

Sop said...

hepi bday apos.

dyanna said...

Is this how kids nowadays wish Birthdays?

Decent cards, Hallmark and Memory will gulung tikar like this.

Jamil said...

dyanna - trust me, the market for decent Hallmark and Memory Lane cards is still huge. It's just that I didn't have the requisite money amounting to RM15.90 to pay for those cards.

ifos said...

I love Hallmark cards! hehe.

You know what? A lot of girls don't enjoy searching for gifts actually- I know a handful of them. And some actually dread birthdays, cos of the gift-buying part, yeah. Same goes for wishing people, it simply depends on your memory- I know a whole lot of people who just can't remember dates, even their family members' birthdates. ;)

Jamil said...

sofi - I know one or two girls who dread looking for gifts too, but for the most of them, they'll have these little presents ready to be dispensed at the stroke of midnight (I do like to hyperbole things, don't I?)