Wednesday 26 March 2008

My Trip To Egypt: Part 2

I never knew that the weather here in Alexandria could remind me so much about a certain teacher I had in Form 4 - they share the common trait of blowing hot and cold at the same time. Is it any wonder then that they both have made me ill?

My throat is sore, it is plugged with mucus and swallowing is fast becoming a tiresome (not to mention painful) chore to do. On the bright side, I now sound like Michael Buble...if he were ever to sing with a pillow over his head.


So far, I've been going out every afternoon after class exploring the strange land that is Egypt and I am proud to say that I have covered pretty much both shopping areas near the Faculty of Medicine (Manshiya) and my hostel (El Ibrahimiyyah). It's actually quite fun looking at all the shoes, bags and jubah on display, save for the over zealous shop attendants who can be annoying and scary at the same time. One of them even hugged my friend and I just so that I'd buy something from his shop! Needless to say, I didn't. But perhaps things would have been different if it was a she.

Afterthought: Of course it would be different. I'd most probably be locked up in an underground prison somewhere below the Sphinx by now if that had happened.

My list of accomplishments also includes the limited ability to order food and know beforehand what it looks like, in contradiction to other tourists in foreign places who simply point to fancy names on a menu and end up being surprised by what's served in front of them later on. Among the local food which I have sampled are makaronah (macaroni), aruz bi lahmah (rice with beef), kashari (macaroni with rice and something like noodles), bashamil (a local version of lasagne) and sandawish (come on, you can figure out this one)

Other than that, I have also been frequenting the many juice bars found in abundance here. Mind you, this is not your normal overpriced-yet-watered-down jus epal we're talking about. Over here, they take a couple of apples, blend the whole thing till it goes into a semi solid, semi liquid state and then serve it right in your face. Local custom dictates that it is polite manners to chug the whole thing down and wipe the froth left on your facial hair with your right sleeve while letting out a grateful sigh of satisfaction. Of course, I just made that up, but it's certainly what a few customers do.

Blended apples aren't the only fruit juice they serve - there's burtu'al (orange), muuz (banana), faraulah (strawberry - my personal favourite so far), 'asab (sugar cane) and a whole lot more of others. Experimenting is currently ongoing to find out the most delicious fruit juice.

That's all I suppose. You may stop drooling now and go buy some apples to blend yourself.


dith said...

As far as I know, Alexandria is a beautiful port far you have failed to depict so...:P

pycnogenol said...

Dith - May be Hiyoshi's eyes are playing tricks on him. He seemed to only have eyes for the blended fruits that magically gets transformed into semi solid, semi liquid state before it magically disappear into thin air, the moment it gets near the face.

Come on Yoshi, get OUT of that juice bar and SEE Cairo and beautiful Alexandria!! ;)

Jamil said...

dith - Yes, it is a beautiful port city. I'll be coming to that later when I've had time to really explore the seaside (so far, all I've been exploring is the faculty!)

pycnogenol - I do intend to go out and see other places. In fact, I'll be taking a train at 3.40 pm today to go to Cairo. There's a friend to my dad staying there and I might drop by for a visit. Maybe he can take me to the local crystal factory *wink*

Anonymous said...

kelakar la wei!!! hahaha.. (am I the only one writing in Malay?? hehe)

pycnogenol said...

Aiza San - Awok ni memang budok Jepung ke, atau belajar di Jepun?

Di mana alamat rumah awok di alam maya ni? Saya nak pergi berjalan...nak baca budak Jepung tulih dalam Bahasa Melayu.

dyanna said...

they should try to explore the potential of Durian Juice.

Jamil said...

aiza - hoho..bab mana la yang kelakar sangat tu aizamia? Tak kelakar mana pun kalau dah terbatuk nak tercabut paru-paru haha...

Anyway, tulis je dalam bahasa apa pun. Asalkan yang membaca tu faham :)

pycnogenol - Dia tu berdarah kacukan - separuh Melayu, separuh Australia. Tu yang boleh cakap Melayu tu.

dyanna - Don't we already have that? I think it's called tempoyak

Anonymous said...

Cairo sux!Alexandrian people sux mo!


n i miss nasi bistro :-( (now i'm hungry)

Anonymous said...

ok.sorry for my previous over-emo-ed comment.huh.but the people in alex doesn't know how to respect people.they call us 'buya' which means jakun in malay,yet they themselves acting like angry!
and i detest their fashion jakun!even jakuns are better dressed

Jamil said...

aw3rz - I bet your tummy must be rumbling by now. Don't worry - it's just another 5 days to go. Enjoy it while you can *laugh*